Sunday, December 7, 2014

35 Days!!!

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I have been super busy with final projects, and studying for finals, and work, and community involvement and on top of that trying to sleep a little. Oh, did I mention I'm moving too!


But, I'm leaving in a little over a month!!!



That's 35 days.


And I have had a new advancement in my process! I was awarded a partial scholarship from my school! It only covers a small portion of the fees for my trip, but it was the full amount I could be awarded, so that's exciting! The only down side is that I have to do a school wide presentation when I get back. Totally worth it though.

My study abroad coordinator sent me into a frenzy when I went to accept the scholarship. He went to check on my financial aid status, and realized he had failed to give me a mountain of paperwork I needed in order to receive financial aid!! All of which needs to be turned in by this Friday! So I had to go running around the school getting multiple signatures from different advisers and administrators, who all have different office hours. I got most of it figured out, I'm just waiting to hear from the transcript evaluteor, who ok'ed my transfer credits, but failed to actually sign the paper (ugh!). After all that stress, its going to work out :)

I just need to get through this week and keep thinking about the future.

But maybe focus more on the now.... I keep distracting myself with thinking how awesome Morocco will be, how cool it will be to be at AU next year, and even looking at future job prospects and Masters Programs. I'm not even through finals yet and my head is stuck in the clouds!!

I just can't wait!! I'm cising myself out!!

Back to studying...

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