Monday, December 22, 2014

20 Days!!!

scream photo: scream photo24.gif

I know I haven't posted in  a loooong time. I was just super busy with finals and moving, and by the time I was done, I was too burnt out to do anything similar to school work. I just needed a little bit of time to veg out and regain my sanity. But Oh my God!!!

Less than one month!!

happy dance photo: dance happy happydance.gif

And Yes, That is Neil Patrick Harris and Elmo happy dancing.

It all seems to surreal. There are still millions of last minute things to do, but everything else seems to be coming into order. The University I am attending set up a Facebook page for all incoming international students so I've had a chance to connect with a few students. I've actually found three other girls who have the same layover in Paris as me and will be flying into Casablanca together! We've all agreed to take the train together. It's a nice relief so I wont have to worry about navigating on my own. I was reluctant to get a Facebook again (I've been clean for 2 years), but I'm really happy I did so that I could connect with them.

All my finals are done also! I Aced them all!! It means I have a good chance of being accepted into the honors college (along with a sizably bigger scholarship). I still have my fingers crossed for that application! I've been accepted into American University through the automatic acceptance agreement they have with Montgomery College. All I have to do is graduate MC with 3.5. (I have a 3.8 and will graduate in Spring). I am just applying now for scholarships and the school of international service.

I've been trying to figure out the financial mess of this trip. My financial aid and scholarship won't be distributed until after I'm in Morocco, but payment is due on the 9th. So I'm going to have to take out a loan from Wells Fargo and my parents are going to have to pay a good bit to. They will get the refund when my financial aid is distributed, its just not fun. I also have more fees to pay once I'm in Morocco to the University itself, I just hope i have enough left over for personal expenses. I would like to spend some money exploring the country, and trips everywhere take money!!

I'm sure it will work out just fine though. I just need to get all the last minute things finished up and enjoy the holidays. I keep procrastinating until after the holidays, but I may not have much time after that! I still need to get luggage, and start getting things like medications, cosmetics and comfort items for when I get homesick. I will have wifi though! That means skyyype!

That's all for now!
happy holidays photo: Happy Holidays happyholidays_ani.gif

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