Monday, January 12, 2015

Game Day!

And so it begins. I’ve packed my things and said my goodbyes. I’ve planned for months and stressed for hours. And finally I’m here.

At the Cincinnati airport….

It smells like chili and the air has the stillness of waiting. On the inside I’m a melting pot of 30 different and paradoxical emotions, but on the outside I sit quietly in a corner typing at my computer. If you passed by me I’m sure you couldn't even tell that today is the most important day of my life.  

But I made it!! It’s game day, and there is no turning back! I really do feel like doing a happy dance! Something about social norms is stopping me from doing that in the middle of the airport though. Instead here is a picture of me waiting in the Cincinnati airport outside of McDonalds.
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Where I will be for the next 5 hours before my connecting flight to Paris. After 8 hours in the air I have one hour to catch my  flight to Casablanca (less if it gets delayed!). Once landed I need to go through customs, collects my bags, exchange my money, get a local phone and then catch the train. I am being picked up by the University at the Fez airport. However, in order to get there from Casablanca I need to take two trains. One city train that stops in the airport and connects to the intercity train that will take me to Fez. So, I have a long and exciting day ahead of me. Even though it is very exciting and overwhelming, it is matched with a lot of sitting and waiting for things to happen!

There are also a few weather delays due to winter weather. My flight to Paris had already been delayed which means I may miss my flight to Casablanca. I’m worried, but I can’t control it, so I am just going to see how it plays out. I booked the same airline the whole way so I know that if my flight gets delayed they will take care of me. I've spent so much time stressing that now is the time to relax and enjoy the trip!

I’m taking this time for mental preparation. I've done my research and I know life will be very different for me in the next few months. There are going to be a lot of cultural and religious differences that are going to be hard to swallow. I won’t agree with or like everything, but somethings need to be done in order to maintain my safety and cultural appropriateness. Things like walking in groups with men. Women do not normally go out on their own, so if I want to avoid street harassment it is suggested I go in large groups, or groups with boys. I also need to watch my tongue and strong political views when I’m not in the University! There is also the consideration that I need to dress and act more modestly in public. None of these things seem particularly exciting to me, because I have been raised with the American empowerment to do what I want, independently, when I want, how I want. But it is all a part of discovering new cultures. You have to be open-minded and respectful of other peoples beliefs, even if you don’t agree with them. How can you ever expect someone else to respect your beliefs if you can not do the same?

To say the least, life will be different. But I got an amazing farewell from my family (Grandpa included!!!) along with several farewell feasts (compliment to the chef my mom, my Dad and Grandpa), and many well wishes from everybody. Everyone is so excited and happy for me, that the only thing I can do is have an absolutely, unforgettable, once in a lifetime, marvelously grand time!  

I’ll be posting again soon! Until next time!

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