Thursday, November 13, 2014


The last month passed in a blur, because I was rushing to meet to many deadlines, for the program, for scholarships etc. Now all my paperwork is done, my scholarship applications are in, my passport is in the mail, and I have registered for my classes.

And now, I have to wait.

And wait

Aaaand wait

Did I mention wait?  I hate waiting. It feels so much like in action. (I think I get that from my dad)

The past week has drug on and I am probably checking my email about every hour to see if I hear something new. The biggest thing I am waiting for are my syllabi for classes at Al-Akhawayn. I need to send them to American University to see if they will transfer next year since Al-Akhawayn is not one of their approved schools. It would be crappy if my classes don't transfer to AU. I would still be happy about going because of the experience and new perspective. I would just have to pay double the price re-taking the classes at AU. So hopefully that comes in soon. I'm also waiting to hear about my scholarship and financial aid. MC has to process my classes to see if I will be approved to use my Federal Loan for the program which will take a huge chunk of the cost. My scholarships will also be a huge help. I spent the last month in a frenzy to get all of this paperwork done and now I'm just waiting. The anxiety is killing me. I just want to know!

I guess this period of waiting is a chance for me to focus on this semester, since it is the last month of class. I'm kicking ass in all of my classes (except French, I have a B which is driving me crazy) even with all of the distractions. I just need to study and get finals done. Might as well do something while I'm waiting.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting - I look forward to reading your blog as you travel this wonderful journey - GO and ENJOY!!!
